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There’s an epidemic emerging that the Centers for Disease Control hasn’t yet catalogued. The physical symptomology is very concerning; chronic headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, issues regulating both sleep and eating. And the psychological impacts are equally alarming; reduced aspiration, diminished sense of confidence, emotional detachment. To help the CDC identify this condition I’ve named the epidemic Asshole-Related-Stress (ARSe pronounced just like its spelled).


Drawing on both the science and practice of executive leadership, Unbalanced Influence pulls together sound empirical data that includes assessment and survey results from such pioneering tools as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(R), the FIRO-B(R), CCL's Executive Dimensions, and both the Campbell Leadership Index and Organizational Survey. Rich insights from the real-life experiences of CCL executive participants offer valuable life lessons for senior and mid-level executives as they journey to define what is, and what is not, effective executive leadership.

Winning the Gold Vanguard Award!

Dr. Pete Hammett, managing director of Talent Management at OGE Energy Corp., has been nationally recognized for his part in developing and deploying the company’s internal Leadership Development Program.



3 Ways to Break Out of Your Executive Bubble

There’s a difference between leadership and power. Successful executives know that difference and lead their teams more effectively because of it. Unfortunately, many executives on the rise in an organization forget the leadership skills and contacts that put their careers on track in the first place.


The Paradox of Gifted Leadership: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the paradox of gifted leadership – namely that executives who are gifted in leading their organizations may not be able to develop leaders under them – creating a challenge in developing the next generation of leaders.


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