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It's An Epidemic!

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"There’s an epidemic emerging that the Centers for Disease Control hasn’t yet catalogued."

There’s an epidemic emerging that the Centers for Disease Control hasn’t yet catalogued. The physical symptomatology is very concerning: chronic headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, issues regulating both sleep and eating. The psychological impacts are equally alarming: reduced aspiration, diminished sense of confidence, emotional detachment. 


To help the CDC identify this condition I’ve named the epidemic Asshole-Related-Stress (ARSe - pronounced just like its spelled). ARSe is the condition that emerges in the workplace when a person sees no way out of miserable interactions with a terrible boss or a jerk co-worker.


If you or someone you care about is working with or for an asshat, know this… you are not stuck. There are many good and compelling options you can consider. Also, you are not alone. You do have people in your corner.   And most assuredly–there are brighter days ahead. But above all, please know this…


There is no reason whatsoever anyone should have to tolerate, survive or endure an asshat in the workplace!

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